“Confidence is going after Moby Dick in a row boat with the tartar sauce in hand” . . . I love this quote for so many reasons. It is stuck to the mirror in my bathroom and my 12 year old daughter has memorized it and uses it against me whenever I seem to waiver on issues. Confidence is the core that helps us make the right choices, allows us to “be bold”, encourages us to follow our dreams, tells us to listen to our intuition, and as I am always telling my children . . . “do the right thing, even when no one is watching”.
Women run in so many directions and juggle so many different things and it’s easy to fill our schedules with activities and committees and obligations. But sometimes we forget to be the strong confident girl we were when we were 10. We get bogged down by the should’s and have to’s. We want to keep up, give our children the best, take advantage of every opportunity, and that means working or running or juggling around the clock. STOP. THINK. Why are you running? What do you run for? Channel the self confidence you had when you were a young girl wearing those super cool purple track shorts and striped shirt. You were cool and confident . . . you knew what you wanted and you went after it. Maybe it was an A+ on a math test or an extra Ring Ding in your lunch box, but you tried your best and you asked for what you wanted. We want all Women who Run to have this confidence and we want and need you to instill this Self Confidence in the girls around you so they grow up knowing they too can go after Moby Dick with the tartar sauce in hand wearing purple track shorts!