Women Run …for their sanity. But sometimes, just sometimes, staying still is the best medicine for our sanity. I’ve been running non-stop for many years – always on the go. Recently my three children went on vacation with their cousins leaving me an empty house and Mother Nature kindly gave me a week of rain. Bliss! I decided to tackle the “playroom” and tidy it up. Well, two weeks later I had literally torn apart every room in my house – purged, sorted and simplified. I wasn’t tempted to escape as I normally am. I needed this. We all need this. I cleared the decks – keeping only what makes me happy, is beautiful or useful. I switched the children’s rooms. A fresh perspective and a clean slate is always welcome and inspiring.
Many of us resist change. My eleven year old was not one bit excited with the idea of switching rooms. Change can be scary because we don’t know exactly what it will be like or how we are going to react or adjust to a new environment or situation. But change can also be amazing. All sorts of change can makes us grow. Sometimes it’s hard to let go of old familiar patterns and the comfort of routine, but if you embrace the opportunities that lie ahead the possibilities are endless! Needless to say – once he actually saw his new room he instantly loved it!
Clean, sort and purge. Clearing the decks can have a much bigger impact than just making your house tidy. With every piece you donate, recycle or purge you are clearing a spot in your mind for calm, serenity and peace. You are creating order and systems to make life run a little more smoothly. You are opening up spots in your house and your mind for new inspiration and new ideas. The items you’ll come across will jog your memory of dreams you let go by the wayside, books you forgot you wanted to read, and flipping through old photo albums will remind you of all the wonderful people you have in your life. A healthy lighter attitude makes any situation or obstacle seem manageable. It also makes sitting still by the waters edge for the rest of the summer guilt free! Embrace sitting still… take the time to recharge your battery in any way you see fit. Mother Nature gives us this heat so we will slow down, share idle time with friends and family and reflect on just how amazing life can be!
Happy Heat Wave!