We recently posed this question to all of you. These words are the foundation of Women Run, our common denominator and the inspiration we all need to keep running.
I run because I can. I run to maintain my sanity and my girlish figure. I run because it’s the one thing I do for myself. I never knew how hard being selfish would be when you are constantly running around for everyone else. Running my own business in and of itself is all consuming. Add three children who are perpetually hungry. The four most dreaded words of the day: “Mom, what’s for dinner?” Three children who are constantly growing out of their clothes, “ I just bought those pants!” which means I need to run to the store again. Throw in a house full of “stuff” that needs to be washed and cleaned and folded and mopped and sometimes even put away. Aging parents tend to need extra time and attention as well. Combined with a few birthday parties, karate lessons, gymnastics, piano, lacrosse, doctors visits, volunteer opportunities, haircuts and God forbid a major holiday and I have all I can do to snack on some chocolate and a very large coffee during carpool time so I can keep running to get it all done.
That’s the running around that fills my days and I wouldn’t have it any other way. But I also run to stay healthy, clear my head and gain perspective. I always return from a run with a new idea, a solution to a problem I needed to work out, and my to do list has prioritized itself in my head. I run to be a role model to my children, but mostly my daughters. Exercise is a big part of the secret recipe to being a woman (or girl) with self confidence. I have never regretted going for a run. Although, there was that one time during a hurricane when my girlfriends and I almost got washed away by a very large wave on the bridge . . . but even then, when I returned home soaking wet but safe – I felt like I could accomplish anything! This is why I run and why I will keep running.
So, What do you run for?