It’s a new year: A time to set new goals, pursue your dreams and try new things. We all want to do more, be more and have more. We are no different here at Women Run – lots of high aspirations, goal setting and bad habits to let go. But for the first time, in a very long time, I find myself starting the year completely off balance – physically, mentally and emotionally. I have a thousand excuses but it boils down to one thing. I can’t run. This past fall I injured my back and have not been able to run with any consistency. Always touting running as my therapy – I never realized the full impact of not running. For one thing, it’s 3 am as I write this blog. Hmm, can’t sleep. At times I’ve convinced myself a pint of Ben & Jerry’s new flavor chocolate therapy is actually an acceptable lunch and I’ve convinced myself that doing laundry and taking a walk around the block counts as a workout.
Well, the good news . . . there is quite a bit of dairy and protein in a pint of Ben & Jerry’s so it does count a smidge, and those walks around the block kept me limber enough to take on physical therapy and I am just about ready to start running. So, in typical WOMEN RUN fashion I have set a goal. I am going to train for the MORE/FITNESS magazine Half marathon in NYC on April 14th. It’s a great race, well run, beautiful location, lots of port-o-potties, a fun course and best of all – the perfect excuse to go to NYC with my girlfriends, mix in a little shopping and some great eating. JOIN US! Let’s see how many WOMEN who RUN we can get to do this race. We can train together virtually, support one another through the trials & tribulations and celebrate our accomplishment.
We at WOMEN RUN are thrilled to be offering a training package for those of you who want to tackle 13.1 for the first time or for those of you who want to improve or just get back into the groove!
A few of the benefits of joining us . . .
-Training schedule and weekly contact with 2x Boston Marathon winner –
Geoff Smith.
-A Women Run welcome kit to get you started and keep you motivated.
Our favorite item in the welcome kit is a 3 pack of WR dark chocolate candy bars. Inspired by my 8 year old daughter . . we have included 3 golden tickets in our latest batch of chocolate. The three lucky winners to find a golden ticket will have their entry fee for the MORE (or another race of similar value) paid for by WOMEN RUN.
-The brand new Team Jersey 3.0 that you can train in and wear the day of the race. How exciting it will be to run the race and see all your fellow WOMEN RUN team members!
… And many more benefits including access to a certified nutritionist who will have many tips and tricks to fuel our bodies. Not sure she’ll recommend Ben & Jerry’s, but you never know!
If you can’t make it to the MORE, you can pick a race of your own and still benefit from our training package. Pick your race, join us virtually, be part of the conversation, ask us questions, get real answers, tips and tricks, and unlimited moral support!
Sign up for the Save Your Sanity training package! We will have a lot of fun doing something great for ourselves.
Keep Running!