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Women Run . . . for Twinkies?

For those of you who knew me BK (before kids) you know I gave Martha Stewart a run for her money with the dinner parties I threw and the desserts I brought to your house when you had a party. Now that I am slightly over forty and fabulous (as all women who enter this decade are!) – I am wiser. The Holidays bring on a certain level of stress – perhaps we bring it on ourselves. We want to be the perfect mother, daughter, sister, wife, friend, gift giver and party hostess. We shop, wrap, bake, clean, decorate, and repeat. We don’t sleep until the Holiday card is in the mail. School parties, teacher gifts, office parties, co-worker gifts, friends, on and on.

As a woman who runs, and I know all of you are, I am giving you permission, telling you it is perfectly acceptable and highly encouraged to let go a little. This is how you will maintain your sanity for the next few weeks. When asked to bring dessert to a party, order dessert from a local bakery, or in my case – because I waited too long, bring the last few boxes of Hostess Cupcakes you stocked up on before the company folded. I can’t think of a better hostess gift than a box of Hostess treats! If you feel the need to be fancy – present them on festive platter. One of the joys of being over forty is many of us have already learned to let go a little. We’ve let go of unhealthy friendships and relationships whose time has passed. We have given up feeling guilty and doing obligatory things. We have given up volunteering when we really don’t have the time to give. We have given up finding the perfect outfit for every event and have learned to accessorize instead – even if the accessories come from our daughters stash of jewelry.

So, my survival advice to us all. . . let go a little , pour yourself a cup of egg nog and watch that TV special with your kids. Less is more. Do less but be present for the things you choose to do. If you are one of the lucky ones that gets a box of Twinkies or my all time favorite – Oreos still in the package, from me, or any other Woman who Runs, this Holiday Season . . . know that you are in my inner most circle of friends, I love you to pieces and I thank you for being you and for letting me be me. . .

Keep running, hang in there & Happy Holidays!


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Women Run…for a party of five

Women Run . . . for a party of 5.

Many of you may remember the TV series Party of Five. It was about a family with 5 children who lost their parents in a car accident. The family owned a restaurant and every Friday night the children had a standing dinner reservation for a party of five. It was the one time each week the children gathered for a meal to catch up on their busy lives. It was a solid attempt to stay connected, support each other through trials and tribulations and celebrate milestones and successes. Essentially a Thanksgiving meal once a week!

November is home to my favorite underdog holiday – Thanksgiving. No Holiday songs signify it (accept perhaps Adam Sandler’s Turkey Song and possibly Alice’s Restaurant). It’s tricky to find Thanksgiving decorations in the stores. There’s no pressure to find the perfect gift. Just food, family and friends. I’ve spent Thanksgiving in many different places; an adobe home in New Mexico eating cactus, a palazzo in Italy eating tiramisu, a college dining hall eating who knows what, a tiny San Francisco apartment where guests sat on my bed and ate turkey on my footlocker turned dining room table. It didn’t matter where I was or what I actually ate. The pull to have a meal with friends and family was always strong. Growing up my family always invited those special people who didn’t have a place to gather. The family we only see one day each year but were treated as if they’ve been a part of our daily lives. The lady down the street we call Auntie. One year my high school chemistry teacher who suddenly found himself single joined us.  I grew up in a large family where food, energized conversations and a lot of laughter abound.  The more the merrier and all were welcome!

We spend so much time running around. We are in deed Women who Run. The Holidays up the ante and make us even busier. Sitting down to that Thanksgiving meal is high on my favorites list. So much so that I recently adopted the “party of 5” tradition in my family. We don’t make it every Friday, but twice a month we go to a restaurant to sit and talk over a meal that someone else has cooked. Sometimes we are a party of 6 with a friend that gets to tag along. We catch up, make the time to listen to the entire story the children want to tell without the urge to jump up and change a load of laundry. No cel phones, no i-pods,  but plenty of wine (for the adults) and laughter. We even order dessert and coffee! A true sign of not being in a rush – just like Thanksgiving. Be thankful for all you have, all the wonderful people in your life and don’t forget to take the time to catch up over a simple meal. Not just this Holiday, but every chance you get.

I am so very grateful for the abundance in my life right now . . . mostly made up of an abundance of incredible family and friends who are supporting me in a myriad of ways as I run in a million directions pursuing the dream of uniting, supporting and inspiring women to follow their dreams . . . THANK YOU!!!

– Kyra

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Why do we keep running?

As the moon rises a little earlier than we’d like and the sun rises a little later than we’ve become accustomed to . . it’s a good time to reflect on why many of us run in the cold, the rain and often in the dark.  A good friend recently shared an article with me that was written by Dr. George Sheehan in 1985 contemplating why people run.

Quite simply he says the reason is “Their lives depend on it.” People begin for any number of motives. They continue for one basic reason. Running, or some other form of exercise, is essential in the drive to become and perpetuate the self. I run because my life, in all its aspects, depends on it: The length of my life, my productivity, my creativity, my pursuit of happiness are all conditioned and determined by my hours on the road.

The article goes on to outline the physical, psychological and sociological effects of running and impressions upon us the positive effects of exercise on our mind, body and soul. Women who Run know the therapeutic effects of running – it clears your mind, calms your nerves and increases your metabolism so you can indeed eat that chocolate cake and have that glass of wine. It builds stamina for the midnight shopping, the cooking, traveling and gift wrapping that accompanies the upcoming Holidays. We all have our reasons but as the seasons change and our schedules quickly fill up, it’s worth setting a goal (a road race in January or February?) and reminding yourself why you do it and how great you feel when you’re done. It will add the balance, routine and the calm we all need as the Christmas carols start playing in October and Valentine’s Day displays show up well before the New Year! I run because my life depends on it. What about you?

Let the season begin!



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Women Run . . up a tree?

W.B. Yeats once told an admirer of his work, “If what I say resonates with you, it’s merely because we are both branches on the same tree.”

As Women Run grows and blossoms and spreads itself into groups of women running from Alaska to Florida, the one piece that resonates with each and every one of these women is our Manifesto. It defines who we are, what we are doing, how we are doing it and what we need to keep us going! It virtually connects us and creates a support system. As Women Run forms strategic partnerships and exciting movements to align ourselves with, there is a common denominator  – the piece that makes us all branches on the same tree. Individually we are strong, but together we have the courage to dream, to try new things, to step out of our comfort zone and to stand up for what we believe in. The first thing we all need to believe in is ourselves. Believe with all your heart that you can have the life you dream about and you can achieve the dreams you have for yourself.

I was recently interviewed for the blog post RunRunLive  while driving to a race in Chicago.  During the interview  I had the opportunity to tell the story of how Women Run started, how it’s grown, our trials and tribulations and all the unanticipated side effects of building a contagious brand. What I am talking about is the amazing feedback and stories we get daily that affirm what we are doing, prove that we are making a difference in individual lives and that we are indeed uniting women who are all just branches on the same tree. After the pod cast aired the encouraging and supportive feedback started to roll in. Thank you for letting us know we are on the right path and for offering to help us along the way.  We love hearing from you! Your ideas, your inspirational stories and your honest feedback. Keep running, keep doing what you do, continue to spread our message. Thank you for believing in and supporting Women Run!! Now it’s time to believe in yourself, set your goals and start growing. There are many branches on the tree that will help you along the way.



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Women Run . . with courage!

“Hey mom, I hear you are trying out for some big competition for Women Run. All the girls were talking about it at lunch today”.

So I say to my inquisitive 10 year old son, “Yes I am, because sometimes to reach a big goal you have to try something a little out of your comfort zone. Besides, what have I got to loose?”

“Your dignity.”

My jaw drops and we both burst out laughing!

What is it about trying something new? Something different that scares so many of us? We all crave it, yet many of us are too afraid to try or too quick to settle for mediocrity. Afraid of change, afraid it might be too hard or take too long. Afraid of what people might think.

Truth be told, people will talk about you no matter what you are doing so you might as well be doing what you really want. What is it that you really want? Think about it.

You don’t have to be a slow runner to want to be faster. You don’t have to be miserable in your job to want to find your true calling. As children it was in our nature to seek out and ask for what we wanted. What happens to us as we get older? Why do we feel the need to settle for less than we really want? Why do we compromise, accommodate, or go without the things or situations we really want?  It’s about becoming the best you – you can be. So as summer approaches and the kids ask for an ice cream every single time the ice cream truck drives by, think about what you would be asking for if you didn’t filter everything you were brave enough to say. Go for it! Have courage. What have you got to loose?

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