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Women Run . . . into Motherhood

“Motherhood is not for sissies. Motherhood is not for women with weak stomachs, strict routines, or wall to wall carpeting. Motherhood is not for women unable to juggle three things at once, read between the lines, or face fear on a regular basis. Motherhood is not for women too quick to use the word “impossible”, or too hesitant to say “yes, you can”. Motherhood is not for women who refuse to believe in miracles, or tomorrows, or themselves. Motherhood is for the caring and courageous women who make a difference in the lives they touch – women just like you.”

There are so many women we put into this category. They are the teachers who mother our children when we can not be there. They are the school nurses who give out band-aids, hugs and a little extra attention. They are our next door neighbors who always remember birthdays and other special events. They are the girlfriends who pick up your children, help you navigate your busy afternoons as you juggle work, grocery shopping and caring for ailing parents. They are your single girlfriends who babysit so you can go on  a date with your husband. They are the girlfriends who bring a meal by to make your weeknights a little less hectic and the sisters who guilt you into exercising even when you don’t feel like it. They are the women who text you mid-day to check in because they know you are having a rough day or week. They are the women who raised you. They are the girls we are raising.

Remember them all. Call them, send a card, a text, an e-mail . . anything to let them know you are thinking of them, that you appreciate them and could not do it without them. Where would we all be without the “mothers” in our lives?

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Women Run . . . for MORE

We are finally seeing the first signs of Spring – the rebirth and clean slate for Mother Nature to shine in all her glory. It makes us think about more. More sunshine, more daylight, more flowers blooming, more time outside, more yard work, more time to exercise so we can shed the “more food” we ate this winter. More activities and more commitments will bring more into our lives but the one thing more also brings . . . is more stress.

We run to give our children more. We run so we can fit more into each day. We run so we can be more, do more and have more. We also run to maintain our sanity because all the running we do makes us feel overwhelmed at times and the solitude, fresh air and adrenaline we get from a good run releases much more than sweat. It releases the anxiety, the stress, the feeling that we are doing too much.

Thank goodness for a pair of running shoes, a sun filled day and an hour to be selfish! On your next run, think about all that you are running for. Is there a commitment you can say no to or an activity you can take off your plate? Is there a weight on your shoulders you can release? By taking on less, you are actually gaining more. More time for yourself, more time to transition, more time to daydream and make a plan for your next step. So put on those running shoes, soak up some vitamin D, and contemplate “less is more”.


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What do you run for?

We recently posed this question to all of you. These words are the foundation of Women Run, our common denominator and the inspiration we all need to keep running.

I run because I can. I run to maintain my sanity and my girlish figure.  I run because it’s the one thing I do for myself. I never knew how hard being selfish would be when you are constantly running around for everyone else. Running my own business in and of itself is all consuming. Add three children who are perpetually hungry. The four most dreaded words of the day: “Mom, what’s for dinner?”  Three children who are constantly growing out of their clothes, “ I just bought those pants!” which means I need to run to the store again. Throw in a house full of “stuff” that needs to be washed and cleaned and folded and mopped and sometimes even put away. Aging parents tend to need extra time and attention as well. Combined with a few birthday parties, karate lessons, gymnastics, piano, lacrosse, doctors visits, volunteer opportunities, haircuts and God forbid a major holiday and I have all I can do to snack on some chocolate and a very large coffee during carpool time so I can keep running to get it all done.

That’s the running around that fills my days and I wouldn’t have it any other way. But I also run to stay healthy, clear my head and gain perspective. I always return from a run with a new idea, a solution to a problem I needed to work out, and my to do list has prioritized itself in my head. I run to be a role model to my children, but mostly my daughters. Exercise is a big part of the secret recipe to being a woman (or girl) with self confidence.  I have never regretted going for a run. Although, there was that one time during a hurricane when my girlfriends and I almost got washed away by a very large wave on the bridge . . . but even then, when I returned home soaking wet but safe – I felt like I could accomplish anything! This is why I run and why I will keep running.

So, What do you run for?


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Women Run . . . at 212°

A New Year. A chance to be bold. A chance to try something new, fix something that’s not working, clean out the closets and hang on to the good. This is the year to run at 212°. What’s so special about 212°? “Well, at 211° . . . water is hot. At 212°. . . water boils. With boiling water comes steam.” With steam comes locomotion. It’s just one extra degree that makes all the difference.  This is how the good become the great. This is how you go from a 10 minute mile to a 9 minute mile. This is how you get the courage to follow your heart and make your dreams come true.

Think about your resolutions, your goals, your dreams. Do the same ones keep showing up each year on your list? Time to tackle them and make the change that will stick and will allow something new to show up on next years list! Nope, it’s not easy. But anything that’s really worth it never is. So get out there, make it happen and instead of giving up when it gets a little uncomfortable  – give it one more degree! We’ll be rooting for you and we’ll be doing the same! Happy New Year! Happy New You!



*There’s actually a book called “212: the extra degree”. Find it on Amazon for more inspiration!

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Women Run . . . 12 days ahead!

We all know the story of the three wise men. A baby was born in a manger in the little town of Bethlehem one starry evening in December. An Angel sent the message: “The Savior was born!” Three wise men collected their Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh, headed out on their camels, and 12 days later they found the baby Jesus.

Here in lies the difference and the true meaning of being a Woman who Runs. Three Wise Women . . . would have heard about the upcoming birth through a friend, run to Bethlehem, arrived 12 days early, cleaned the stable, made up the manger with a feather bed and cashmere blanket, baked a casserole and brought practical gifts like diapers, binkies and a lovely gift basket with bubble bath, scented candles, a bottle of wine, and some chocolate for Mary.

Women who Run are the ones who pick up your kids from school so you can finish your presentation for the next day at work. They are the ones who drop off a pot of chili to make your evening a little less stressful. They not only take your children to the classmates Birthday Party but they also pick up a gift for your child to take because it was just too busy a week for you to get to the store. They are the women who have the tissue box ready and a bottle of Riesling when you need a shoulder to cry on, and they are the women we call first when we have good news to share. We all have these women in our lives, they know what you need before you even know. So the next time you make a batch of chili – double up and drop some off at a friends. The effort will be overwhelmingly appreciated!

Whatever Holiday you celebrate and however you spend this Holiday Season, raise a glass to toast all of the Women who Run and all the Women who help YOU Run!

-Kyra, Kelly, Erin and Krissy


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